Current Issue

2024: 30 years of the Constitution of Russia: results and prospects of constitutional and legal development of the Russian statehood: materials of the regional scientific-practical conference (Magadan, April 18, 2024)

30 years of the Constitution of Russia: results and prospects of constitutional and legal development of the Russian statehood: materials of the regional scientific-practical conference (Magadan, April 18, 2024) / North-Eastern State University. Krasnoyarsk: Science and Innovation Center Publishing House, 2024. - 98 p.

ISBN 978-5-907608-35-1

The collection presents the materials of the regional scientific-practical conference "30 years of the Constitution of Russia: results and prospects of constitutional-legal development of the Russian statehood", which analyze the urgent problems of modern Russian constitutional construction. The reports included in the collection cover a wide range of theoretical and practical issues, contribute to the approbation of scientific developments and are of interest to a wide range of readers. The opinion of the editorial board does not always coincide with the point of view of the authors.

Published: 2024-05-17
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